Preparing Everything Dinosaur’s Predictions for the Year Ahead

Time to gather together all the suggestions made by Everything Dinosaur staff as to what they think will happen in the world of dinosaurs in 2009, it is time for our palaeontology predictions.  For most of us who spend our time studying the past, we must now concentrate on what we think is going to happen in the next twelve months, to undertake some crystal ball gazing as it were.  What new discoveries will be made in the Earth sciences field in 2009?  What new fossils will be excavated and where will they be found?

Palaeontology Predictions

In addition, we will try to think ahead and predict what will happen to Everything Dinosaur over the next year or so.  For example, what new dinosaur toys and models will Everything Dinosaur be stocking?

Which Models of Dinosaurs will Everything Dinosaur Stock – More Papo Perhaps?

In stock at Everything Dinosaur rare Papo models.

Which models of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals is Everything Dinosaur likely to stock in 2009?

To view the extensive range of dinosaur models including the Papo range available from Everything Dinosaur: Papo Prehistoric Animal Models and Figures.

Our predictions, a list of what we think is going to happen in palaeontology and the study of dinosaurs, will be published on this web log shortly.