Every Month is “Dinovember” For Everything Dinosaur

By |2023-03-01T12:29:36+00:00November 17th, 2013|Everything Dinosaur News and Updates|0 Comments

Everything Dinosaur Contributes to “Dinovember”

Over the last few days, team members at Everything Dinosaur have been made aware of the internet phenomenon which is called “Dinovember”.  Each year, a husband and wife convince their children that their toy dinosaurs come alive for a month and get up to all sorts of adventures around the house and neighbourhood.  We have thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the pictures that contributors have sent in and we congratulate all those who were involved in the concept and in developing the idea as it is a wonderful way to encourage creative, imaginative play.


Some of our Dinosaurs Explore the Shrubbery

Dinosaurs play chase in the shrubbery.

Dinosaurs play chase in the shrubbery.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

For our part, we took some of our vast collection of various prehistoric animal models that we use in school visits, educational programmes and other such activities and decided to take some pictures of them outside as they were let out to roam around.  The dinosaurs seemed quite at home in the Cenozoic, although one or two of the grumpy tyrannosaurs did not seem to get along very well with each other.  The herbivores seemed very happy but the meat-eaters, especially Tyrannosaurus rex started roaring, which is what we suppose these large carnivores probably did back in the Late Cretaceous.

Grumpy T. rexes Have Trouble Getting Along

"I'm Tyrant King of the Castle"!

“I’m Tyrant King of the Castle”!

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Dinosaur Models and Figures

Suppose it is quite surprisingly really, as many palaeontologists believe that tyrannosaurs such as T. rex  may actually have been pack animals.  The Giganotosaurus and the Brachiosaurus played quite well together and the Ankylosaurus liked playing hide and seek.  For such a heavy dinosaur, one that lived in the Late Cretaceous of North America, Ankylosaurus was quite good at hiding.  We had trouble finding it at the end of the day, so well hidden this dinosaur was.  Not too bad for a ten-metre-long beast that probably weighed more than an African elephant and for a dinosaur that has been described as a “living tank”.

To view the range of dinosaur and prehistoric animal models available at Everything Dinosaur: Prehistoric Animal Models and Dinosaurs.

Unusual Play Mates – Giganotosaurus and Brachiosaurus are Chums

Prehistoric play mates!

 Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Ankylosaurus Plays Hide and Seek with Dinosaur Models

Hide and seek in the back yard.

Hide and seek in the back yard.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Perhaps we will invite one or two of “dino chums” into our next company meeting, we have an idea generating session planned for later on this month, all about our plans for 2014.  Dinosaurs are famous for having small brains compared to the size of their bodies, as a consequence we can’t really call it a “brainstorming meeting”, we ought to refer to it as a “brainstemming meeting” instead.