Christmas Greetings!

The newly upgraded and improved Everything Dinosaur website permits the team members to express a little bit of creativity as they have the opportunity to put up their own visuals and images of dinosaurs.

Everything Dinosaur Website

The home page of the website contains a number of special slots or “skins” which permit the addition of new visuals, which Everything Dinosaur team members can develop and add.  For the dinosaur experts and teachers in the company this has meant that they have had to learn some new skills, but they have the chance to customise images and pictures and post up their own original content.

The company invests in a lot of photography, and Everything Dinosaur has built up an extensive library of images, pictures, artwork and drawings related to dinosaurs and dinosaur toys and models, so it is time for team members to indulge in a little creativity.

Christmas Greetings – An Image Produced by Everything Dinosaur

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The picture shows a couple of the Ice Age soft toys from Everything Dinosaur, displayed against a seasonal background, one of a number of new images the company has planned for their home page.

A spokesperson for Everything Dinosaur stated:

“We are giving everybody in the company the opportunity to take part, lots of ideas and designs have been suggested, the trick is that whoever thinks of an idea has to work out how to create the image and then get it posted up online”.

More used to using a brush to dust away sand grains from an outcropping fossil, no doubt the staff will soon get used to the new paint shop skills and brush strokes required to customise their own artwork related to dinosaur models and images.

Visit Everything Dinosaur: Everything Dinosaur’s Website.