The Huge Thumb Claw on Baryonyx

The first part of the theropod dinosaur known as Baryonyx (B. walkeri) to be discovered back in 1983, was the huge first digit (thumb) claw.  The fossil measured around 35 centimetres (14 inches) in length. Baryonyx had powerful and strong arms and it is thought that this carnivorous dinosaur used its hands and claws  to hook out fish from water courses.  Evidence of fish scales belonging to a genus of  ray-finned fish called Lepidotes were found in the body cavity of this dinosaur, along with the remains of a baby Iguanodon.  It seems that Baryonyx was also a generalist predator, hunting and attacking smaller dinosaurs if it got the chance.  Or perhaps it might have come across the carcase of the young Iguanodon and took advantage of a free meal by scavenging the body.

The Theropod Dinosaur Called Baryonyx (B. walkeri)

Baryonyx "Heavy Claw"

Baryonyx “Heavy Claw”.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

The name Baryonyx is pronounced Bar-ee-on-iks and the name means “heavy claw” which is very appropriate.

To view Everything Dinosaur’s stock of dinosaur models including Baryonyx replicas and models of other fish-eating dinosaurs such as spinosaurids: Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.